Results for the fractional ionic abundances in the ring (torus) and
inner (oblate spheroid) regions of our two models are shown in
Table 9 and Fig. 11. It is
clear from the figure and table that the ionization structures from
the models vary through the nebula due to the complex density and
radiation field distribution in the gas.
As shown in Table 9 , He/He is much
higher in the inner regions, while He
/He is larger in the
outer regions, as expected. Similarly, we find that the higher
ionization stages of each element are larger in the inner
regions. From Table 9 we see that hydrogen
and helium are both fully ionized and neutrals are less than 8% by number in these best-fitting models. Therefore, our assumption of
is correct in our empirical method.
Table 10 lists the nebular average ionic
abundance ratios calculated from the photoionization models. The
values that our models predict for the helium ionic ratio are fairly comparable with those from
the empirical methods given in §5,
though there are a number of significant differences in other ions.
The O/H
ionic abundance ratio is about 33 per cent lower,
while O
is about 60% lower in Model 2 than the empirical
observational value.
The empirical value of S
differs by a factor of 8 compared to our result in Model 2,
explained by the shock-excitation effects on the
6716,6731 doublet.
Additionally, the Ne
ionic abundance ratio was underestimated by roughly 67% in
Model 2 compared to observed results, explained by the properties of the ionizing source.
The Ar
ionic abundance ratio in Model 2 is 56% lower than the empirical results.
Other ionic fractions do not show major discrepancies; differences remain below 35%.
We note that the N
/N ratio is roughly equal to the O
ratio, similar to what is generally assumed in the
method. However, the Ne
/Ne ratio is nearly a factor of 2
larger than the O
/O ratio, in contrast to the general
assumption for
(Ne) (see equation 5). It has
already been noted by Bohigas (2008) that an alternative
ionization correction method is necessary for correcting the unseen
ionization stages for the neon abundance.
Ashkbiz Danehkar