To summarize, we observed the optically bright quasar PG1211+143 with the Chandra -HETGS for a total of 433ks in 2015 April as part of a program that simultaneously took HST-COS and VLA observations. In this paper we have used the HETGS X-ray spectra averaged over 390ks, when the source was at low brightness. We have utilized XSTAR photoionization modeling to probe the physical conditions in the ionized absorbers of this quasar. We have compared the results of this analysis to the findings from the HST-COS study (Kriss et al., 2018). The key findings from both our Chandra and HST analysis are:
1. The combined 1st-order Chandra -MEG and -HEG gratings spectra
shows that the hard X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143 is well described by a
simple power law
above keV in the rest frame, and a soft excess below
We use a phenomenological model consisting of an absorbed Comptonized accretion
disk to characterize the shape of the soft X-ray continuum.
2. We also have identified three emission lines in the hard X-ray
spectrum, which are consistent with the K-shell, He-like and H-like
iron lines at 6.41keV (FeK), 6.67keV (FeHe
and 6.96keV (FeLy
)/7.05keV (FeK
) in the rest
frame, respectively. We did not detect any clearly identifiable
blue-shifted Fe absorption lines, in contrast with the XMM-Newton
observations (Pounds et al., 2003). This could be due to the low
signal-to-noise ratio of the HEG spectra at high energy.
3. We discovered absorption lines from H-like and He-like ions of Ne, Mg, and Si; their observed wavelengths
are consistent with an outflow velocity of
17300 kms
relative to systemic.
Their ionic column densities and turbulent velocities are not
the same for all ionic species, which are related to blending
and/or contamination from other atomic transition lines, as well as
insufficient counts.
4. The absorption lines have been modeled using the photoionization
XSTAR grid constrained by the ionizing SED constructed using the
simultaneous VLA radio, HST-COS UV, and Chandra X-ray HETGS data,
as well as by archival HST-FOS UV and infrared measurements. The
absorption lines from H-like and He-like ions of Ne, Mg, and Si were
best fitted with a highly ionized warm absorber with ionization
parameter of
cm, column density of
, and
an outflow velocity of
17300 kms
This velocity is in reasonable
agreement with the component at
in the XMM-Newton observations, albeit with dissimilar physical conditions
; Reeves et al., 2018; Pounds et al., 2016a). Moreover, we did not identify any
additional spectral features associated with higher velocity
components (e.g., the
absorber measured by
Pounds et al. 2016a), which are due to extremely low signal-to-noise ratio
over those energy band.
5. We have detected a broad blueshifted Ly absorption line
that has a similar outflow velocity
as the X-ray absorber, and could be its likely counterpart (Kriss et al., 2018). The apparent
optical depth of the Ly
absorption line profile yields an
HI column density of
). The ionization parameter (
) of
our best-fit X-ray absorber corresponds to the HI ionization
fraction of
. From our best-fit total hydrogen
column density (
), we obtain
, which is roughly
consistent with the empirical HI column density of the Ly
6. While inconclusive, our VLA observations hint at a possible tantalizing scenario for VLBI observations to test, in which the shock driven by the jet/lobe system responsible for the radio emission may be connected to the X-ray and UV-detected bulk outflows.
Our Chandra -HETGS and HST-COS
observations of PG1211+143 are the first evidence for the same
ultra-fast outflow occuring in both X-ray and UV spectra. Crucial
to this discovery were spectrometers with velocity resolutions
well-matched to the width of the absorption lines. Verifying these
results, searching for the additional absorption systems suggested by
the XMM-Newton spectra, and studying the variations of these absorbers with
X-ray flux and/or spectral shape will either require significantly
longer Chandra -HETGS spectra, or a high resolution X-ray
spectrometer with significantly higher effective area. For the latter
possibility, the Arcus mission, recently accepted for Phase A study,
would provide 2-3 the HEG resolution and
HEG +MEG effective area at energies
-1keV (Smith et al., 2016),
and would allow us to perform a systematic study of the ultra-fast
outflows in PG1211+143 .
Ashkbiz Danehkar