4.1 Comparison of the emission-line fluxes

Table 6 lists the observed and predicted nebular emission line fluxes. Column 4 presents the observed, dereddened intensities of PB8 from García-Rojas et al. (2009), relative to the intrinsic dereddened H$ \beta $ flux, on a scale where $ I$(H$ \beta $)$ =100$. The ratios of predicted over observed values from the model MC1 are presented in Column 6. Columns 7-9 present the ratios of predicted over observed values for the normal component, the metal-rich component, and the entire nebula (normal+metal-rich) from the best-fitting model MC2. The same values obtained from the model MC3 are given in Columns 10-12. The majority of the CEL intensities predicted by model MC1 are in reasonable agreement with the observations. However, there are some large discrepancies between the prediction of model MC1 and the observations for ORLs. From the model MC2, it can be seen that the ORL discrepancy between model and observations can be explained by recombination processes of colder metal-rich inclusions embedded in the global H-rich environments.

Figure 6: The predicted over observed flux ratio for the bi-abundance model MC3. The relative contributions of the normal and the metal-rich components to each line flux are shown by black and grey parts, respectively.

As seen in Table 6, the $ [$NII$ ]$ $ \lambda $6584 and $ [$OIII$ ]$ $ \lambda $5007 line intensities predicted by the models MC1 and MC2 are in excellent agreement with the observations. As both the models MC2 and MC3 have exactly the same density distribution and chemical abundances, we can see how dust grains introduce a $ 10$ percent increase in the $ [$NII$ ]$ $ \lambda $6584 line, which means that nitrogen abundance could be overestimated in some dusty nebulae. The HI line intensities as well as the majority of the HeI line intensities are in reasonable agreement with the observations, discrepancies within 20 percent, apart from the HeI $ \lambda $3889, $ \lambda $5875 and $ \lambda $7065 (around 30 percent). This could be due to high uncertainties of the recombination coefficients of the HeI lines below 5000K (see Porter et al., 2013; Porter et al., 2012). The [OII]$ \lambda $7319 and $ \lambda $7330 doublets are underestimated by around 50 percent in the model MC1. Recombination processes can largely contribute to the observed fluxes of these lines, which can be estimated by the empirical equation given by Liu et al. (2000) (see equation 2).

There are discrepancies between the predicted intensities of $ [$SII$ ]$ and $ [$SIII$ ]$ lines and the observed values. While the intensities of the $ [$SII$ ]$ lines are predicted to be about 10-20 percent lower than the observations, the intensity of the $ [$SIII$ ]$ $ \lambda $6312 line is calculated to be almost twice more than the observed value. Adjusting the sulfur abundance cannot help reproduce $ [$SIII$ ]$ lines, so these discrepancies could be related to either the atomic data or the physical conditions. The predicted intensities of $ [$SII$ ]$ lines were calculated using S$ ^{+}$ collision strengths from Ramsbottom et al. (1996) incorporated into the CHIANTI database (V 7.0), which is currently used in MOCASSIN. Recently, new S$ ^{+}$ collision strengths were calculated by Tayal & Zatsarinny (2010), which ignored the effect of coupling to the continuum in their calculations, so their results were estimated to be accurate to about 30 percent or better. We note that the emissivities of $ [$SII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$6716,6731 lines calculated by the proEQUIB IDL Library 3, which includes an IDL implementation of the Fortran program EQUIB (Howarth et al., 2016; Howarth & Adams, 1981), show that the collision strengths by Tayal & Zatsarinny (2010) make them about 8 percent lower at the given physical conditions. The predicted $ [$SIII$ ]$ line intensities are perhaps much more uncertain, as there seem to be some errors in the atomic data, as mentioned by Grieve et al. (2014). For example, the emissivity of $ [$SIII$ ]$ 18.68$ \mu $m line calculated using the collision strengths from Tayal & Gupta (1999) is about 40 percent higher than the calculation made with Hudson et al. (2012) or Grieve et al. (2014). This issue might be related to the long-standing problem of the sulfur anomaly in PNe (see reviews by Henry et al., 2012).

The predicted intensities of the $ [$ArIII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$7136,7751 lines are in agreement with the observations, discrepancies within 20 percent, however, the IR fine-structure $ [$ArIII$ ]$ 8.99 $ \mu $m line is predicted to be about 80 percent higher. We used Ar$ ^{2+}$ collision strengths from Galavis et al. (1995) used by the CHIANTI database (V 7.0). There is another set for Ar$ ^{2+}$ collision strengths (Munoz Burgos et al., 2009) whose predictions are significantly different and need to be examined carefully. We notice that the emissivities of $ [$ArIII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$7136,7751 lines predicted by proEQUIB with the collision strengths from Munoz Burgos et al. (2009) show a discrepancy of about 9 percent in comparison to those calculated with Galavis et al. (1995), whereas there is a 30 percent difference in the $ [$ArIII$ ]$ 8.99 $ \mu $m emissivity calculated with the different atomic data.

The predicted $ [$NeII$ ]$ $ \lambda $12.82 $ \mu $m and $ [$NeIII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$3869,3967 line intensities do not show high discrepancies (less than 20 percent), nevertheless, the calculated intensities of $ [$NeII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$15.55,36.02 $ \mu $m lines have discrepancies about 26 and 57 percent. The predicted $ [$ClIII$ ]$ $ \lambda\lambda$5518,5538 lines are in agreement with the observations, discrepancies less than 25 percent.

Although the [OIII$ \lambda $4363 auroral line is perfectly matched by the model MC3 and discrepancies remain less than 10 percent in the model MC2, there is a notable discrepancy in the [NII$ \lambda $5755 auroral line. This could be due to excitation by continuum fluorescence and/or recombination process. Bautista (1999) found that the [NI $ \lambda\lambda$5198,5200 lines are efficiently affected by fluorescence excitation in many objects, while [OI] lines were found to be sensitive to fluorescence in colder regions ($ \leq 5000$K) or very high radiation fields. Nevertheless, this PN is not known to be surrounded by a photo-dissociation region (PDR) that is responsible for the fluorescence excitation. We notice that García-Rojas et al. (2009) observed the brightest part of the nebula, and excluded the central star contamination and the surrounding potential PDR. Moreover, the absences of the [O I] $ \lambda\lambda$6300,6364 lines emitted by neutral O$ ^{0}$ ion and the [N I] $ \lambda\lambda$5198,5200 lines emitted by neutral N$ ^{0}$ ion in the spectrum presented by García-Rojas et al. (2009) exclude any possibilities of the fluorescence contamination. Hence, there is no strong evidence for any possible fluorescence contributions to the observed fluxes. Alternatively, the recombination contribution to [NII] auroral lines may have some implications, which can be estimated for low-density uniform nebular media (see e.g. Liu et al., 2000).

The recombination contribution to the [NII] $ \lambda $5755 line and the [OII] $ \lambda\lambda$7320,7330 doublet can be estimated as follows (Liu et al., 2000):

$\displaystyle \frac{I_{\rm R}(\lambda5755)}{I({\rm H}\beta)}=3.19 \,\, {t^{0.30}} \, \bigg( \frac{\rm N^{2+}}{\rm H^{+}} \bigg)_{\rm ORLs},$ (1)

$\displaystyle \frac{I_{\rm R}(\lambda7320+\lambda7330)}{I({\rm H}\beta)}=9.36 \,\, {t^{0.44}} \, \bigg( \frac{\rm O^{2+}}{\rm H^{+}} \bigg)_{\rm ORLs},$ (2)

where $ t\equiv T_{\rm e}/10^4$ is the electron temperature in $ 10^4$K from Tables 7 and 8 and $ ({\rm N^{2+}}/{\rm H^{+}})_{\rm ORLs}$ and $ ({\rm O^{2+}}/{\rm H^{+}})_{\rm ORLs}$ derived from Tables 3, 9 and 10. The recombination contributions to the [NII$ \lambda $5755 auroral line are estimated to be about 12 percent in the model MC1 and 48 percent in the models MC2 and MC3 (including contributions from the metal-rich inclusions). As MOCASSIN does not currently estimate the recombination contributions to the auroral lines (due to the lack of atomic data), we empirically calculated them with equations (1) and (2) and included them in the [NII$ \lambda $5755 line and the [OII] $ \lambda\lambda$7320,7330 doublet in Tables 6. We see that the [NII$ \lambda $5755 auroral line in the model MC3 show better agreement, but about 30 percent lower. The uncertainty of this faint line, 14 percent reported by García-Rojas et al. (2009), which could be even higher, may explain this discrepancy. Additionally, it is extremely difficult to evaluate the recombination contribution in the presence of inhomogeneous condensations. The collisional de-excitations of very dense clumps in the nebula can suppress the $ \lambda\lambda$6548,6584 nebular lines, but not the auroral lines (Viegas & Clegg, 1994), so the discrepancy between the model and the observation could be related due to unknown inhomogeneous condensations and high uncertainties in the recombination atomic data at low temperatures (i.e., below 5000K in a dense clump). Similarly, the recombination contribution to the [OII $ \lambda\lambda$7320,7330 doublets are estimated to be about 15 percent in the model MC1 and 53 percent in the models MC2 and MC3. As you see, the predicted [OII $ \lambda\lambda$7320,7330 doublets are in excellent agreement with the observations.

Table 7: Mean electron temperatures (K) weighted by ionic species for the entire nebula. For each element the first row is for MC1 and the second row is for MC2.

7746 7625
6647 6584
He 7746 7625 7595
6655 6584 6784
C 7829 7741 7621 7468 7431 7625 7625
6806 6673 6580 6549 6631 6584 6584
N 7834 7746 7617 7468 7431 7625 7625
6883 6772 6567 6439 6565 6584 6584
O 7860 7746 7613 7566 7625 7625 7625
7176 6692 6568 6618 6584 6584 6584
Ne 7812 7720 7601 7564 7625 7625 7625
6602 6599 6579 6764 6584 6584 6584
S 7855 7783 7685 7541 7411 7390 7625
6760 6676 6632 6497 6453 6572 6584
Cl 7836 7748 7635 7503 7467 7625 7625
6747 6658 6598 6408 6612 6584 6584
Ar 7846 7766 7659 7535 7490 7625 7625
6699 6606 6588 6570 6684 6584 6584

The intensities of the ORLs predicted by the model MC2 and MC3, both bi-abundance models, can be compared to the observed values in Table 6. Figure 6 compares the predicted over observed flux ratio for the model MC3, and shows the relative contributions of the normal and the metal-rich components to each emission-line flux. The agreement between the ORL intensities predicted by the two latter models and the observations is better than those derived from the first model (MC1). The majority of the OII lines with strong intensities are in reasonable agreement with the observations, with discrepancies below 40 percent, except for $ \lambda $4649.13, $ \lambda $3749.48, $ \lambda $4075.86, $ \lambda $4132.80 and $ \lambda $4153.30. The well-measured NII $ \lambda $5666.64, $ \lambda $5676.02 and $ \lambda $5679.56 lines are in good agreement with the observations, and discrepancies are less than 30 percent. There are some discrepancies in some OII ORLs (e.g. $ \lambda $4416.97, $ \lambda $4121.46, $ \lambda $4906.81) and NII ORLs (e.g. $ \lambda $4601.48, $ \lambda $4613.87, $ \lambda $5931.78), which have weak intensities and higher uncertainties (20-30 percent). However, as seen in Figure 6, the model MC3 has significant improvements in predicting the O II and N II lines having intensities stronger then other ORLs. Particularly, the bi-abundance models MC2 and MC3 provide better predictions for the O II ORLs from the V1 multiplet and the N II ORLs from the V3 multiplet, which have the reliable atomic data. Comparing Figure 6 with Fig. 15 in Yuan et al. (2011) demonstrates that our bi-abundance models of PB8, similar to the photoionization model of NGC6153, better predict the observed intensities of the N II and O II ORLs. The models also reproduce the C II ORLs with discrepancies about 10 percent, except the CII $ \lambda $6578 line. The CII $ \lambda $4267.2 line is stronger than the other C II lines, and it is not blended with any nearby OII ORLs. The CII $ \lambda $6578 line may be blended with nearby lines, so its measured line strength may be uncertainty.

Table 8: Mean electron temperatures (K) weighted by ionic species for the nebula obtained from the photoionization model MC3. For each element the first row is for the normal component, the second row is for the H-poor component, and the third row is for the entire nebula.

7298 7097
4341 4309
6719 6640

7307 7097 7054
4343 4309 4310
6726 6640 6843

7436 7295 7088 6795 6739 7098 7098
4361 4342 4307 4252 4253 4309 4309
6886 6742 6635 6491 6640 6641 6641

7460 7315 7077 6796 6738 7098 7098
4363 4344 4306 4257 4258 4309 4309
6959 6840 6622 6414 6580 6641 6641

7507 7319 7064 6989 7098 7098 7098
4364 4346 4302 4302 4309 4309 4309
7250 6762 6621 6671 6641 6641 6641

7414 7260 7042 6988 7098 7098 7098
4361 4340 4294 4295 4309 4309 4309
6690 6671 6630 6819 6641 6641 6641

7466 7349 7186 6937 6713 6678 7098
4365 4349 4324 4276 4243 4243 4309
6848 6751 6694 6541 6435 6597 6641

7444 7302 7113 6875 6720 6721 7098
4361 4343 4312 4261 4241 4245 4309
6832 6731 6656 6444 5640 6241 6641

7468 7336 7148 6929 6861 7098 7098
4366 4349 4317 4267 4267 4309 4309
6783 6680 6647 6618 6737 6641 6641

Ashkbiz Danehkar