Open Source Codes
Here I listed the codes to which I have contributed:
MPI_XSTAR is a computer program for parallelizing execution of multiple XSTAR runs using Message Passing Interface (MPI).
slmpi_emcee is an MPI-based Parallelization of the S-Lang Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Hammer implemented in the Interactive Spectral Interpretation System in S-Lang (M. A. Nowak), and extended for MPI-based Parallelization (A. Danehkar).
AtomNeb is an atomic database useful for nebular spectral analysis, plasma diagnostics, and abundance analysis. It includes energy levels (Ej), collision strengths (Ωij), transition probabilities (Aij), and effective recombination coefficient (αeff) of recombination lines of the most ions commonly observed in ionized nebulae.
MGFIT is an IDL Library developed to fit multiple Gaussian functions using a least-squares minimization technique and a random walk method. It uses the MPFIT library and a genetic-type random walk method.
proEQUIB is a collection of IDL programs developed to calculate atomic level populations and line emissivities in statistical equilibrium in multi-level atoms for different physical conditions of the stratification layers where the chemical elements are ionized.
pyEQUIB is a collection of Python programs developed to calculate atomic level populations and line emissivities in statistical equilibrium in multi-level atoms for different physical conditions of the stratification layers where the chemical elements are ionized.