Curriculum Vitae
Ashkbiz (Ash) Danehkar
Eureka Scientific, Inc. Oakland, CA 94602, USA |
danehkar [at] eurekasci [dot] com +1 (617) 955-0606 (mobile) |
ORCID: 0000-0003-4552-5997 Google Scholar: a2LX8coAAAAJ |
Scopus Author ID: 34972723700 ResearcherID: C-2053-2009 |
Research Interests
- AGN Feedback: Ultra-fast Outflows, Relativistic Jets, Supermassive Black Holes
- Starburst Feedback: Galactic Superwinds, Superbubbles, Star Formation
- ISM: Jets and Outflows, Planetary Nebulae, Abundances and Photoionization
- Theoretical Physics: General Relativity, Plasma Physics
Professional History
- Research Scientist (Astrophysicist), Eureka Scientific, Oakland, CA, USA (2022–present)
- Research Fellow, University of Michigan, Astronomy, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2019–2021)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard–Smithsonian CfA, Cambridge, MA, USA (2015–2018)
- PhD Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia (2014)
- MS Plasma Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK (2009)
- MS Computational Electrical Engineering, Universität Rostock, Germany (2007)
Grants & Funds
- NASA Fermi Theory Program ($75k; 2024-2025) “Tracing the History and Origin of the Fermi and eROSITA Bubbles using Time-dependent RHD Simulations” (80NSSC24K0630; PI: Danehkar)
- NASA NICER Program ($42k; 2024) “Monitoring the Nearest Tidal Disruption Event Candidate IGR J12580+0134” (80NSSC23K1098; PI: Danehkar)
- NASA Astrophysics Data Analysis Program ($310k; ADAP; 2022-2025) “Black Hole Spin Survey of Radio-quiet AGN” (80NSSC22K0626; 21-ADAP21-0207; PI: Danehkar)
- NPSS Young Professionals Grant for ICOPS 2021 ($300; 2021)
- Australian Institute of Physics, Student Conference Support ($500; 2014)
- International Astronomical Union Travel Grant (€1.5k; IAUS312; 2014)
- Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research ($1.5k; GIAR; 2013)
- Macquarie University Higher Degree Research Funds ($8k; 2012)
- International Astronomical Union Travel Grants (€2k; IAUS281–3; 2011)
Awards & Honors
- Symmetry Outstanding Reviewer Award (500 CHF; 2018)
- Astronomical Society of Australia Student Travel Assistance ($1k; 2014)
- Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Travel Award (€1.5k; 2011)
- Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship ($136k; 2010–2014)
- Northern Ireland, Department for Employment and Learning Studentship (£25k; 2008–2009)
- Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Scholarship (€16k; MRTN-CT-2004-005104; 2008)
Professional Service
- Referee Service: Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal, Astrophysics and Space Science, Physics of Plasmas, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Modern Physics Letters A, Universe, & other journals, 83 verified reviews and 6 verified editorial records in Web of Science (
- Editorial Service: Guest Editor for 2 Special Issues in Universe & Frontiers in Physics
- Review Panel Service: NASA’s Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP 2017, 2019), NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP, 2019, 2020), NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG 2021), NOIRLab Time Allocation Panel (2022), Chandra Peer Review (Cycle 24 2022)
- Session Chair & Chambliss Award Judge: 237th AAS Meeting (2021), 240th AAS Meeting (2022)
Teaching Experience
- Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard University (Derek Bok Center), 2021
- College STEM Teaching Certificate (Postdoc Course), University of Michigan (CRLT), 2020
- Inclusive STEM Teaching Project Certificate, University of Michigan (CRLT), 2020
- Mentor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), 2019-2020
- TA for Holographic Duality (PHY 8.871; taught by Prof. Hong Liu), MIT Physics, 2018
- Lab. TA for Mechanics (PHYS107) and Electromagnetism (PHYS202), Macquarie Univ., 2011–2012
Professional Memberships
- International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG), Member (2020–present)
- International Astronomical Union (IAU), Member (2018–present)
- American Astronomical Society (HEAD), Full Member (2015–present)
- Lynx Science Working Groups (Member: Physics of Feedback, Multi-wavelength; 2016–present)
- American Physical Society, Member (2017–present)
- Astronomical Society of Australia, Member (2011–2019)
- Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Full Member (2010–2018)
Observing Time
- PI: Gemini North 8.1-m Telescope (8 hrs, Band 2, GN-2025A-Q-229, 2025)
- PI: ESO VLT UT4 8.2-m Telescope (2.5 hrs, Rank B, 113.26GC, 2024)
- PI: Gemini North 8.1-m Telescope (8 hrs, Band 3, GN-2023B-Q-315, 2023)
- PI: NASA NICER (90 ks, Priority A, Proposal 6093, 2023)
- (PI) NRAO VLA (7 hrs, Priority B, VLA/23A-369, 2023)
- (Co-I) NRAO VLA (5 hrs, Priority B, VLA/18A-271, 2018)
- (PI) Gemini South 8.1-m Telescope (8 hrs, Band 3, GS-2013A-Q-88, 2013)
- (Co-I) AAT Telescope (3.9 hours, SP019, 2013)
- (PI) Gemini South 8.1-m Telescope (5.2 hrs, Band 3, GS-2012B-Q-69, 2012)
- (PI) ANU 2.3-m Telescope (4 nights, ID 3-12-0158, 2012)
- (PI) ANU 2.3-m Telescope (4 nights, ID 1-12-0214, 2012)
Computing Time
- (PI) NSF ACCESS (Explore PHY220146, 200 kSU, 2022)
- (PI) NSF XSEDE (stampede, 20 kSU, 2016)
- (PI) NCI National Facility (swinSTAR; p063: 250 kSU, 2014)
- (Co-I) NCI National Facility (raijin/vayu; g33: 350 kSU, 2012)
- (PI) NCI National Facility (orange; 200 kSU, 2011)
Observing Experience
- ANU 2.3-m Telescope, Siding Spring Observatory, NSW, Australia:
Computing Skills
- C, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, Java
- ISIS, S-Lang, IDL, Python, SciPy, AstroPy
- IRAF, 2dFDR, Starlink Namaka, PyRAF
- OpenMPI, MPICH, Intel MPI
- Linux and other UNIX variants
Professional Development
- Higher Education Teaching Certificate, Harvard University (Derek Bok Center), 2021
- Applied Data Science with Python, Specialization Certificate, University of Michigan, 2020
- Professional Development DEI Certificate, University of Michigan (Rackham School), 2020
- PhD Dissertation: “Evolution of Planetary Nebulae with WR-type Central Stars“, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (2014), doi:10.5281/zenodo.47794, hdl:1959.14/337736, nla:192102660
- Master’s Thesis: “Propagation of Electron-Acoustic Waves in a Plasma with Suprathermal Electrons“, Centre for Plasma Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, UK (2009), doi:10.5281/zenodo.47796
- Master’s Thesis: “Development of a Microcontroller-based Measurement System for the Neuromuscular Blockade during Anesthesia“, Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany (2007), doi:10.5281/zenodo.7815451
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Curriculum Vitae [PDF]