Observing/Grant Proposals

This list is exported from ADS.

Accepted Observing/Grant Proposals:

11. Mapping the Closest LyC Emitter Candidate Mrk 71 with GMOS/IFU
A. Danehkar, B. James, A. Jaskot, G. Micheva, M. Krumholz, et al., 2025,
Gemini North Proposal ID GN-2025A-Q-229

10. MUSE Survey of Planetary Nebulae with High Abundance Discrepancies
A. Danehkar, A. Stavros, M. Parthasarathy, N. Reindl, et al., 2024,
ESO VLT Proposal ID 113.26GC

9. Exploring the Nearest Green Pea Analog Mrk 71 with Gemini/GMOS
A. Danehkar, B. James, A. Jaskot, G. Micheva, M. Krumholz, et al., 2023,
Gemini North Proposal ID GN-2023B-Q-315

8. Tracing the History and Origin of the Fermi and eROSITA Bubbles using Time-dependent RHD Simulations
A. Danehkar, 2023,
Fermi Theory Proposal ID 161126 (80NSSC24K0630)

7. Monitoring the Nearest Tidal Disruption Event Candidate IGR J12580+0134
A. Danehkar, 2023,
NICER GO Proposal ID 6093 (80NSSC23K1098)

6. Mapping the Nearest Green Pea Analog and LyC Emitter Candidate NGC 2366/Mrk 71
A. Danehkar, I. Yoon, V. Rosero, A. Jaskot, B. James, et al., 2023,
NRAO Proposal ID VLA/23A-369

5. Black Hole Spin Survey of Radio-quiet AGN
A. Danehkar, 2021,
NASA Proposal id.21-ADAP21-0207 (80NSSC22K0626)

4. Dynamic Evolution of the Powerful Jet Activity in the Symbiotic System R Aqr
M. Karovska, M. Claussen, A. Mioduszewski, A. Danehkar, R. Montez, et al., 2018,
NRAO Proposal ID VLA/18A-271

3. Kinematical study of Galactic planetary nebulae with binary central stars
Q. A. Parker, A. Danehkar, D. J. Frew, 2013,
AAO Proposal ID SP019

2. Morphokinematics and abundances analysis of Galactic planetary nebulae with binary central stars
A. Danehkar, 2012,
MSSO Proposal ID 3-12-0158

1. Kinematic study of planetary nebulae with potential double-degenerate nuclei
A. Danehkar, 2012,
MSSO Proposal ID 1-12-0214